Using keyword-rich articles is the best thing that you can do to energize your internet marketing campaign. Search engine-friendly articles are your best allies in improving your page rank and in attracting high quality traffic to your website. As you know, these can lead to more sales leads and increased revenue.

Here’s how you can easily write keyword-rich articles:

1. Find the best keywords. Identify those words or phrases that your potential clients are searching for each time they look for information that is relevant to your website’s theme or to the products that you sell. You can do this by simply using very reliable (but free) keyword suggestion tools such as the one from Google. It’s okay to target the most competitive keywords and keyphrases but you need to know that the more competitive the keywords are, the lesser the chances of your articles in making it on the top 10 search page results.

2. Write high quality articles. Forget about keywords and search engine optimization first when writing your articles. Focus on giving your audience great content. Offer them the information that they are looking for and share a slice of you in-depth knowledge. Help these people out by simply giving them information that can bring positive impact to their lives.

3. Optimize your articles. Once you’re done writing your article, the next thing to do is to insert the keywords and their synonyms on your content. Your keywords and their synonyms must only appear once for every 100 words and your keyword density should not exceed 2% of your article word count.