Not too long ago, setting up a datafeed site was a complicated task. It was best to let a programmer deal with all the coding.

Now a days anyone can have a site built with datafeeds in less than 15 minutes. There are several scripts that are simple to install on a web hosting account and are easy to configure.

Probably the best and most convenient of these types of scripts are those which are plugins for the WordPress platform. All anyone has to do is upload such a script to their WordPress plugin directory then activate it on their dashboard.

From the settings tab, users first download or FTP datafeed feeds directly from an affiliate network that provides free feeds. One of the most popular of these networks is Shareasale.

Then to find products within these feed, users enter the keywords that are related to the theme of their site. In a matter of seconds, product pages are created displaying pictures, product descriptions and affiliate links.

Some scripts are a little more sophisticated. They can time the posting of product pages at future days. That way it will appear to the search engines that the website is providing its visitors with fresh content and should get the search engine bots constantly crawling the site.

There’s a little more to it about these scripts but basically they do for affiliate marketers what once was a painful and time consuming chore best left to someone with a background in database programming.

Copyright (c) Leroy Chan