We all have strengths and weaknesses but what we do not realise that one should work with and on their strengths and out source their weaknesses to be a more effective and successful person and leader in business.

Understanding how search engines work and how they place a website to land on the first page is to master the strengths of SEO (search engine optimisation) using long tail keyword phrases.

When starting a new website, you start at a disadvantage as your competition will have already dominated the main keywords and keyword phrases either by the organic approach combined with age of a website or used PPC (pay per click) campaigns to buy their way to the first page.

However, there are keywords that you can still find and use that you can rank high and build up a lot of targeted traffic using long tail keywords and keyword phrases that your competitor may not have found. Instead of using generic one or two keywords which is too broad nowadays, a long tail keyword uses a very specific set of words that describe your website, service or whatever the message you want to relay. This is a more targeted approach and will increase a better quality of visitor and build traffic very quickly indeed.

The search engines use ‘robots’ or ‘bots’ that mimic the human behaviour of we search for something on the internet and therefore when someone types in a broad keyword or two like “pet dogs”; what are they really looking for? As far as I’m concerned, these are non-targeted visitors. If you type something more specific like “how to train your pet dog”; a long tail keyword phrase then you have narrowed the search results and start to target more quality visitors too.

Because you’re now focusing on each page targeting a specific long tail keyword or two, you’ll want to create more pages for your site. This means some extra work for you it’ll pay off. Search engines like sites that have lots of pages (which is why blogs are good) and content that changes and updates on a regular and frequent basis. In their eyes your website will look more substantial, more natural, and more real.